Pre-March Nanterre Poster

Poster from Nanterre, Feb. 68

This poster, most likely designed by Andre Bertand, is one of the first documents from the agitations at Nanterre by the Enrages, a group of students who rebelled against strict moral codes, police on campus, and harsh treatment of Daniel Cohn-Bendit, a student who had insulted the Minister of Youth and Sports at the opening of a new swimming pool in January of 1968.

The poster, dated 14 February 1968 and signed by the Enrages, shows an intermediate step between the infiltration of Situationist ideas on campus and the eventual occupation of university buildings on March 22, 1968. The poster, partly translated by AJ Artemel, reads:

Translation of Nanterre poster (February 14, 1968):

A Nanterre

At Nanterre

comme ailleurs il n’y a plus de hasard

Like elsewhere, there is no longer any chance

la probabilité fait les complicites

Probability makes complicities

cependant que la chance noue les rencontres

However chance builds relationships

c’est alors que bonheur et malheur prennent forme
It is then that happiness and sorrow take shape

les idées s’améliorent. Le sens des mots y participe.

Ideas are improving. The meaning of words is participating in it.

tout ce qui est discutable est a discuter

All that can be discussed should be discussed

le bleu restera gris tant qu’il n’aura pas été réinventé

Blue will stay gray until it is reinvented

qu’on se le dise!

Spread the word!

a vous de jouer camarades

It’s your turn comrades!