
September, 1964
On September 14, 1964, Dean of Students Katherine Towle sent a letter to student groups at the University of California, Berkeley, banning tables from an area known as the...
October, 1964
On October 1, Jack Weinberg of CORE was arrested for tabling without a permit on the so-called Bancroft strip at the University of California, Berkeley. As police attempted...
December, 1964
On December 8, 1964, the Academic Senate at the University of California, Berkeley voted that the University could only regulate the time, place, and manner of political...
June, 1966
It’s a happening , English documentary by Michael Apted about the pro-movement  Robert Jasper Grootveld about addiction and the arrival of Klaas . Robert Jasper...
October, 1966
In 1966, Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton founded the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense in Oakland, CA. In its earliest phase, the organization focused on armed citizens’...
May, 1967
The Black Panther Party Ten-Point Platform outlines the Party’s demands for justice and self-empowerment for black communities. It included “land, bread, housing,...
February, 1968
Il est cinq heures, Paris s’éveille is the sixth single by French singer-songwriter Jacques Dutronc, released in 1968. It is featured on his self-titled second album....